Friday, September 16, 2016

Name Typography

For this project we had the task of using typography to display 12 attributes of ourselves.  First we brainstormed as many words we could think of about our hobbies, interests, and personalities.  Then, we thought about things that made us think and feel those words.  Our last step before going to the computer was to sketch three different concepts for each word.  The challenge was to display the word using typography with only minimal graphics. 

I learned a lot about Adobe Illustrator in the process of transferring my ideas onto the computer. I also experimented with using the Wacom, which allows you to draw directly into Illustrator.  I also learned a lot about collaboration and that it is super important to ask people from around the room to come look at your work as you go. This is necessary in order to get a fresh eye on something you might have been working on for a while and get another person's opinion.  I also learned how to cut and mount, which is definitely something that takes a lot of practice to do right.  If I could do the project over, I would definitely get more people's opinions while I was working.  I would also try to stay simple and use less graphics, as I felt like my work got really busy in some places.  In my next project I will take the technical skills I learned in both Illustrator and cutting and mounting with me, but I will also take advantage of the resources around me and ask them for help.  Overall, I had fun on my first project of the year and hope to stretch my creativity and develop new skills for the rest of the year!