Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lego Activity

    Today our assignment was to build something out of legos with a team with varying knowledge of what the final structure should look like.  Either the person looking at the table could only talk, only point, only gesture, or each person has a set of directions and no one knows what the final structure should be.

    I learned that working with a team can be very difficult, because it requires communication among people who may have very different ways of thinking.  To work successfully in a team, you have to be very patient and be flexible when trying to communicate.

   In the future, I will use what I've learned about teamwork to communicate with all types of people in a nice, effective way.  Hopefully my teamwork skills will improve with more activities and practice in working with a team.

Friday, March 13, 2015

My RISK Website

      Our assignment for this project was to create a website for the company RISK.  We created a fully functional website with six pages, a sidebar, header, and footer, and embedded pictures and videos on every page. I had past experience working with HTML and CSS, so this project was fairly easy.  I hope to continue in the web design strand of e-comm in the future.