Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photoshop Projects

     For our first project, we used different blend modes to make the ONW and the compass blend into the picture of the school.

     For this project, we used the test mask and gradient tool.  We changed the hue, saturation, and brightness on the background image to give it different effects.

     We used the lasso tool to select certain parts of the monarch butterfly we wanted to change the color on.  Then we used the clone stamp tool to give the edges on the butterfly a blurred effect.

   We used the text mask and layers of gradients to create our name project.

   For this project, we used clone stamp and content-aware fill to get rid of night posts and cars, the magnetic lasso to cut out the raven, and text masks to make the pictures look like they're floating in the raven.

     In Illustrator, you can create images using shapes, lines, and color, but Photoshop is better when you're working with images.  It is good to have both so you can design different types of graphics using the most effective program possible.

Monday, December 15, 2014


      In this project, we used Adobe Dreamweaver to create a website with HTML and CSS.  Although I have never worked with Dreamweaver before, I've worked with HTML and CSS, so I thought this project was fairly easy.

      I really enjoy doing stuff like this and I hope to do more in the future. Next project I hope to work more in the code and improve my skills in knowing what all the tags are and how to use them.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Logo

In this project, we were asked to sketch out a logo mad of our initials and create it on Adobe Illustrator.  We used certain shapes and colors to resemble different ideas and qualities.  I started off the project by brainstorming different possible designs for my logo. My final sketch consisted of my three initials in a sleek, modern font, surrounded by an ellipse.     

             Once I got to Illustrator, I decided that a circle would be a better choice to pull together my logo.  I used the colors purple and gold to represent the sun, royalty, and give it heavenly/angelic qualities.
             Next time, I will spend more time and thought designing and perfecting my logo on Illustrator.  I will utilize the the tools and concepts I learned to make my next project even better.  In conclusion, I really enjoyed using my creativity and computer skills to design and create my logo.